Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is there really Power in Prayer???

If you are a believer in God Almighty and his Son Jesus Christ, you know the answer to my title question. However, for those of you who are not believers, I hope this note will witness to you in a way you've never known before.

After my biopsy yesterday, Dr. Lisa Baron had told me the results will show 1 of 3 scenarios: either cancerous cells present, pre-cancerous cells present, or a fibrocystic calcification with no cancer cells present. I honestly thought that this would be cancerous, mainly because what I saw on the pictures from the mammogram looked exactly like what I saw on the pictures from last fall when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Thanks to my friend Angela for inviting us to hang out with her and her kiddos today to help keep my mind off things. It was a great way to spend the afternoon as I waited for the phone call from Dr. Baron. We went to the pool for a few hours. I received a voice message from Dr. Baron around 2:15pm simply stating, "Tammy, this is Dr. Baron. I have GREAT news for you so call me when you get this message." I called her back immediately and she confirmed that the pathology report showed NO CANCER CELLS!!!!! She said I just need to come back in 6 months for a mammogram on both sides. From this point on that will be routine for me.

I quickly went back to Angela and the kids, gathered them all around me in a big circle holding hands and then told them all, "It's time to do a Happy Dance! Ms. Tammy doesn't have cancer anymore!". WOW! Both Angela and I began crying with joy. I had Benton on speaker phone at the same time and I think he probably thought we were nutzo. What an amazing relief. I remember the feeling after my Mom died that was like cinder blocks being lifted off my shoulders. Today was the exact same sense of relief as 12 years ago. I sat down and just marveled at how AWESOME OUR GOD IS!

So let me just tell you that this good news is only from God. I truly believe in the power of prayer and have had so many people praying for me. Our Christian circle of friends is HUGE, ranging from Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Massachusetts, and even Paris, France. Folks, if you don't believe in the power of prayer, you are doubting the one and only true and living God. Doubting what God can do makes you doubt your faith. True faith is when you have absolute assurance that God is a God who saves us from our sins, protects us from Satan, and promises to guide us, heal us, and sustain us...

Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV)

There is only one true God in this universe. We are not in charge of our "destiny", God is in total control of EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6 months post surgery...

Well, 6 months have passed since my surgery date in November. I made it through the 7 weeks of radiation treatment and after 4 weeks post treatments I finally began feeling "normal" again. My 6 month follow up mammogram was scheduled for May 25, 2010. I of course had this scheduled at the Charleston Breast Center (remember...never going back to Trident!).

The Mammogram started off fine, until they called me back in the 2nd time around for more pictures. I simply asked the tech "Did they find something?". She said yes, they had found another calcification area, this time on the right side. Surprising? Kind of. But at the same time I knew it could always be a possibility. I met with Dr. Lisa Baron, the Radiologist (and wife of my surgeon, Dr. Paul Baron) after all the pictures were taken. She showed me exactly where they found the "spot" on my right tata. I guess I just needed to see "proof" that there was a calcification deposit there. It looked exactly like the one they found on my left side back in October. Good news was that it was only about 2mm round. Last fall, the spot was about 3mm round. Dr. Baron was so wonderful and patient with me as she showed me all the pictures and told me what everything was I was seeing. She said she would like to biopsy the area to be sure of what it is. I said no problem and then proceeded to tell her about my previous biopsy experience. She was horrified at what had happened to me and quickly assured me it would not happen there. She made notes on my chart about needing the extra pain medication right away. That was a relief, to know that she truly took my comments to heart and was not going to let me feel anything!

So today, June 1, 2010 I had my second breast biopsy. I didn't sleep much last night and Benton asked me last night why I was in a bad mood. Stress honey, just stress. We are blessed to have wonderful friends around the corner who welcomed Jesse & Dylan to their home at 7:15am. My appointment was scheduled for 8:15am. When we arrived at the Breast Center we signed in and they quickly called me back. Dr. Baron and her staff started the procedure at 8:45am. It was simply astounding how different of an experience I had today compared to the experience at Trident.

I laid on my right side, in a very comfortable position, with a blanket under my head, a blanket between my knees and a blanket keeping me warm. The side of the bed I was on dropped off so that the machine could be slid up next to me. They used a large ace bandage kind of thing to hold my left breast back out of the way while they put my right breast in compression. It only took the techs 1 try to get me perfectly aligned for the procedure (remember at Trident it took them about 45 minutes!!!!!). Dr. Baron arrived and began the numbing medication. I only felt a small prick with that. A few moments later she asked if I could feel anything. It felt like they were inserting a piece of fishing wire through me but there was no pain. They gave me more novicane and within 5 min started the biopsy. I honestly didn't feel anything. I heard the noise of the machine and that was it. The mechanism they use to extract the tissue was quite fascinating. First you hear the "zipping" sound of the needle pulling out the tissue and immediately after that they gave me another dab of pain med, then more tissue extraction, then more pain med, etc. Technology is amazing (wonder why Trident didn't do that?). The biopsy was over in about 5 minutes, they took a few more pictures and then I was done. I laid on my back applying pressure to the area where the needle was inserted for about 15 minutes. Believe it or not I asked Dr. Baron if I could see what they took out of me....she showed me! It was like a long fat piece of spaghetti noodle covered in gooey white & red stuff. I thought it was really cool to be able to see the tissue.

So after cleaning the betadine off my skin, and covering me back up, it was back to the mammogram machine for a few pictures, 3 to be exact. They needed to make sure the mini clip had been inserted correctly at the area where they removed the tissue from. This assures that, in the event I need surgery again, they will know exactly what area to remove more tissue from.

Once done with the final pictures, Dr. Baron met Benton and I in the consultation room. I had a huge smile on my face when I saw Benton and just simply said, "This was 500 times better than my last experience! Wow - it was painless!" Dr. Baron assured us that we will have the results of the biopsy by tomorrow, June 3rd, no later than 5pm. A huge thanks to Sandy & Kari who were the techs with me the whole time during the procedure! You both have a wonderful bedside manner with patients! Showing the kind of love and compassion you do towards your patients is simply priceless!

Restrictions I have for lifting, no exercising, no swimming for at least 3 days. Ibuprofen will be my friend for the next few days as well. They told me to expect much soreness tomorrow and probably some bruising.

We left Charleston, picked up the boys, came home, and Benton and I both took a 2 hour nap as best as we could with a major thunder storm rolling through and the sounds of Jesse & Dylan playing the Wii. We resumed our family Monopoly game we had begun last night and just put it this way, I am so glad I am the "family money manager" in our home! :)

A dear family who are wonderful friends of our brought us the perfect summer dinner tonight so I didn't have to worry about cooking. Angela & Brian - you guys are such loving, kind, and gracious friends! The homemade chicken salad and berry dessert was perfect tonight! Thank you so much!

I'm starting to feel the pain meds wearing off - you can tell they gave me alot since it has taken almost 8 hours for me to start feeling anything! Already got the Ibruprofen in my system in hopes it will take the "edge" off tonight and tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers. Norm, Angela, Jody, Rita, Jody, Ruth, Christy, Amy, Kelly, Debbi, Kim, Krista, Dorette, Kimberly, Garrett (see note at end of this post!)...too many more to name all of you. You know who you are though and I simply say thank you. We have the most dedicated group of prayer warriors around! Love you all!

I'll be sure to update my blog later this week when I have the results of the biopsy! Until then...just keep praying, just keep praying, just keep praying!

Note: A sweet prayer from Garrett Knight, May 29, 2010 (10 yrs old), "Jesus, I pray for Mrs. Tammy that she does not itch her lump and spread it all over her and give it to Dylan and Jesse and that you would take her lump and throw it away." Thank you Garrett, I luv ya buddy!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ring the bell time!

Well, I actually rang the bell almost a month ago. Sorry, again I'm getting caught up in getting caught up at home and am forgetting to write on my blog. Please forgive me!

Thursday Feb 11th was my last day of treatment. Benton took the day off to celebrate the big event with me. Before heading downtown we stopped at the school and picked up the boys too. It was important to me to have my whole family with me to celebrate this accomplishment and culmination of treatment in my life.

I pretty much danced into Roper that day with a huge smile on my face. Jason called me back as soon as we got there. After the treatment was over I got changed and came out of the dressing room swinging my pink gown and joyfully tossed it into the laundry bin. Whew, it was over! What a relief! A few friends I made there came early to help celebrate and take some photos for me. Thanks Lynne, Kim & Kathy for being there!

I didn't cry like I thought I was going to. I just kept on smiling. I couldn't believe how quickly the 33 treatment days passed by. By the end of my last treatment most of the blistering had subsided but now the top 1/3 of my tata looked like someone placed a warm iron on it. It was quite rosy and began peeling quickly. Talk about wanting to scratch your armpit like a monkey! Wow...I couldn't keep enough ointment and lotion on it to relieve that sensation!

But it's over and I have so many people to thank for the prayers, encouragement, kind words, laughter & tears we have shared along this journey. First and foremost, thanks to my Lord and Savior for sustaining me every breath of the way. Without Jesus as my guide I could not have remained so positive. Secondly, my best friend and love of my life, Benton. Whew...I thought I was a witch at times before cancer - to think what he had to put up with this winter! :) Just kidding (I think?)...I wasn't that bad but I know I did complain A LOT about the pain and discomfort. Thanks for listening to me and just being there for me. I'm so blessed to have you in my life by my side every step of the way! Thirdly, my children...for in their innocent ways reminding me that I was still a Mommy and that cancer was not controlling me, I was controlling it! Lastly, EVERYONE ELSE out there...old & new friends, family, neighbors, strangers, and prayer warriors! I'm not a "taker" in life but I was so appreciative to be receiving so much support and prayers from all of you!

I'm actually writing this on March 6th. My follow-up appt with Dr. Decker the radiologist is next Thursday and I'm sure she'll say all is fine. I feel fine, look relatively normal, and really don't feel like anything is different about me. Funny thing is though that because of the fact I feel fine, I tried to work out last week and near about collapsed from exhaustion when I got home. I forget that my body is still healing on the inside and that body takes lots of energy to repair itself. I thought I could bounce right back into the gym....wrong! So let's just say I'm taking it slowly. Today I thought of going for a walk...wound up crashing for about 1 1/2 hours instead. Most of you who know me know that sleeping during the day is not my style. However, lately, I've learned to listen to my body when it tells me to take a break. I hope to "snap out of it" soon though and get back to the gym on a regular basis. I am back in the classroom substitute teaching and also doing volunteer work at the school. It helps me to get motivated when I know I have something on my calendar for the day!

Again, thanks to everyone for staying up to date on my journey. God has been so good to me along the way and I continue to praise HIM even though the storm has passed to all,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Roper Rocks - Part 2

Hello again, sorry it has been a while since my last post. I get so caught up in my daily routine that I've been forgetting to write on my blog.

I have 2 more radiation treatments left, today and tomorrow. Everything is still going fine with the exception of some discomfort on my left side. I have begun to blister a little and it is quite annoying. Kind of like I have been sun bathing on a nude beach and everything is covered except my left tata. I'm really red, a little swollen, and am peeling with some blisters too. Not very attractive if you ask me. Also, my left tata has actually shrunk a I feel your pain HG! Best news I heard from the Radiologist so far though was to NOT wear a bra as much as possible. What a "freeing" report! :) It's chilly here in SC now so at least I'm not just wearing a t-shirt around's easy to disguise, put it that way! :)

I'm writing the rest of this post as a letter to the staff at Roper. It's hard to believe that tomorrow is my last day of treatment. The past 7 weeks have flown by. Much of the time passing is in thanks to the incredible staff in the Roper Radiation & Oncology department. Words cannot express my gratitude, love, and thanks I have for everyone I have met there and everyone who has been involved in my treatment. A few names stand out in the crowd but everyone was amazing.

Jason Gregory (aka Mario) & Heather Phillips - what can I say...the laughter and fun we have shared will never be forgotten. The 2 of you have the most wonderful bedside manners towards your patients. Jason, you are one the most gentle, caring, fun, sincere, and kind people I've met. I truly felt like you "took care of me" and that you genuinely were concerned about me, not only getting the treatments done right, but that I was OK (so many coughing fits, sorry!). Heather, thanks for sincerely getting to know me and my family. I love sharing stories with you. You too are one of the most genuine, caring, fun, happy, and sweet people at Roper. I wish I could do more for you guys besides make chocolate chip cookies. Perhaps I'll surprise you with a visit sometime and maybe we could all go to lunch (sugar-free lunch of course!). Oh yea..Heather, they sell Casual perfume at Perfumania in Northwoods Mall (hehehe!).

Allie Capers & Chris Dukes, my nurses - WOW! The best way to define the two of you is by saying you make an amazing team who truly seems to understand what the patient is going through and how to comfort us, guide us, and encourage us along the way. I love the honesty you shared with me throughout the weeks. I knew I could ask you anything and that you would give me a candid truthful response without "holding back". You guys Rock!!!!!

Chris Bucknam, Chad Rouse and Shawn Carter (aka Luigi), 3 more of the Radiation Techs - you all are kind, sweet and in a way, "relaxing" to be around. Definitely loved your sweetness and kindness during the first few weeks of treatment. Chad, be sure to check out the Summerville Art Walk...maybe I'll see you there sometime! And Chad, go easy on the markings OK? Let your son do the creative coloring side of things OK? :) Shawn, just rip it off, like a band-aid...don't try to be so delicate with the stickers!

Sheilah Hill & Brooks Cannon - only got to see you guys a few times but it was a pleasure. Brooks, you took the time to explain to me so many details at my very first appointment. I'll never forget the fear in my mind and heart about Radiation and you took the time to comfort me and also give me a big hug to help me relax. After meeting you, I knew it would be OK. Thank for you that. Sheila, you are a nut! I love your accent and your "country spirit".

Josephine Stanley & Ruashannah Barnwell - What more beautiful faces and smiles could I ask for when I walk in the door??? And thanks for calling me Tammy, not Ms. Johns. You brightened my day as soon as I arrived. Just knowing I would be able to say hello to you guys each morning made me smile.

I think I've mentioned everyone. As I write this note I begin to tear up. It's obviously been an emotional few months for me but with the likes of y'all taking care of me it was so much easier to handle. The love I have received from each of you in your own special way is unmeasurable. It will be an emotional day for me tomorrow, not only because it is the culmination of my treatment period, but also because I will be saying farewell to all of you. I know I can come visit anytime and don't be surprised if I do. You all have almost become like family to me and it is always hard to say goodbye. I don't like the word goodbye so I'll simply say "until we meet again". I hope though, that when we do meet again, it will be under better circumstances...perhaps seeing one another out and about in the Charleston and Summerville communities.

I wish you all the best in life and want to share one of my favorite bible verses with you...

Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." I will be praying that the Lord blesses each and every one of you. I thank God for you all and may He bless you abundantly!

Tammy Johns

Monday, January 25, 2010

Final Stretch...

Today was my 20th radiation treatment...13 more to go. If I'm calculating correctly, my last treatment will be on Thursday Feb 11th. Just in time for Benton and I to celebrate our 12th Wedding Anniversary on Valentine's Day! I already made reservations for us to go out to dinner on the 13th. Hard to believe it has already been 12 years since we tied the knot!

Treatments are going same as always, very quick & easy. Last week I had some "exhausting" days so I took advantage of the quiet house during the school hours and tried to catch up on some sleep. For the most part I'm doing great. Came down with a very sore throat this past Friday night and asked Kris the nurse about it today. She said that sometimes, depending on the depth and placement of the radiation, it could touch the esophogas (sp?). Not in my case though so that was good news. Guess I've just caught a little bug. Hasn't gotten any better yet so if it persists I'll be calling my regular MD. Just hope it's not something serious like strep throat. I would assume that the radiation treatments do compromise my immune system a little. I never get sick so perhaps that is why now I am.

Feels like Spring is in the air here in Summerville. I know all you Michigan & Maine friends don't like to hear that. We had a very loud windy storm come through last night that drenched everything. Thought even that perhaps my appt this morning may have been cancelled due to flooding in downtown Charleston. Apparently, because Charleston is right at sea level, or just slightly above it, whenever there is a large rain storm the streets downtown flood very easily. I made it there and back just fine though.

I'm looking foward to the next few weeks going by quickly. Next step after radiation is to meet with an oncologist to determine whether or not she recommends being on Tamoxophin. Not big on that idea at all. Hoping she says it is not necessary and that we can discuss other possible ideas. I'm working closely with my chiropractor to get my body back to "normalcy". Taking some natural supplements and following a very strict no sugar eating plan. It sure is hard! Trust me, there are many nights that I really want to make some cookie dough!

My meals for the day typically are consisting of organic oatmeal w/whole organic milk and cinnamon, organic turkey slices, a cheese stick, and blue corn tortilla chips for lunch, and then a good dinner that is somewhat normal for our family - tonight I'm roasting a chicken and serving it with organic broccoli. Hardest part is not putting the sugar in my coffee. Oh yea, we switched to Decaf coffee too (don't tell Benton, not sure he has figured it out yet!). We are trying Agave Nectar as a's not bad, but expensive for a small amount.

Should be a fun weekend around here. Dylan turns 8 on Friday and he is having his birthday celebration at an art studio in downtown Summerville where he has been taking art lessons. Saturday is another basketball day with Jesse's Upward team...always fun & exciting! Sunday is our day to enjoy our church family and worship the Lord together in corporate worship & praise. Sunday is always an uplifting and rejuevenating day for me. Even if I'm feeling down I know that going to church is the best thing for me!

Time to check on the chicken...smells so good I can already taste it! Thanks to everyone for checking in and keeping up to date through my blog. I wish you all a very blessed day!