Sunday, November 8, 2009

Good to be "Home"...

It's Sunday evening, November 9, 2009, and I'm sitting in our new house, in the new office, and just feeling so at home already. We were so blessed to have many extra hands on deck yesterday to make the move. Thanks to our wonderful, loving, and willing fellow servants from Miles Road Baptist Church who got 'er done! You guys rocked yesterday! Hopefully we'll be able to return the favor to y'all sometime!

Nothing new to report on the cancer front. Still waiting for the results of the BRCA test. Hope to hear no later than this Tuesday. Plenty to keep my mind occupied and me busy this week as I unpack box by box. It's kind of like Christmas for me...not sure exactly what I'll find when I open up each box!

Time to call it a night. Will be sure to post any news when I get it!
P.S. HE had a birthday but we got the GIFT!!!! Amen to that Mr. Dibble!!!!!!!