Saturday, October 31, 2009

A dear friend of ours in St. Louis sent me a beautiful prayer message on facebook. I was so touched by her words that I just had to post it in my blog for everyone to read. Thank you Brenda for your loving, sweet words that you lifted to Jesus on my behalf. I love you friend & am so glad to call you my sister in Christ! (Photo: Tammy & Brenda June 2009, Mt. Pleasant, SC)

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the gift of Tammy Johns. Thank you for loving her as you do, with your all-consuming love which exceeds our comprehension. Nobody loves her like you do, Lord, and we love her so very much. I give you thanks and praise that you are the Lord of her life, Lord of her heart, Lord of her mind and soul. I thank you that every promise you made to Tammy, you have made to her children and to her husband and to all of those who choose You.Lord, I'm not sure what's going on with Tammy right now, and I don't have to. I know that what is over my head is under your feet. There is nothing greater than You. Nothing. I know your grace and mercy protect those who love and serve you. I know you are The Creator and The Great Physician. I know we can claim healing in the name of Jesus. So right now, Lord, in the name of your precious son, I claim the healing of Tammy Johns in the accordance of Your Will. I pray every cell in Tammy's body would be in Your Will. In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of infirmity and send it to dry waterless places. I stand fast on your promises, your truth, your love. I pray the Holy Spirit would dwell wholly within Tammy and bring her great peace and unspeakable joy. May you keep and protect Tammy and her family from the tops of their heads, to the souls of their feet, leaving nothing unclaimed by you. Nothing.In you, Lord, we have everything. Everything. You are ours and we are yours. We know the word hope means "confident expectation". Our hope is in you, Lord. We thank you in advance for the answers to our prayers. May each beat of our hearts beat for you. Each word of our mouth be pleasing to you. Each touch of our hands, each thought of our minds, each choice that we make bring your Kingdom glory. We give each and every bit of glory and praise to you. You are the Lord of lords and King of kings. Our faithful Father. We are blessed to merely serve you, but you bless us so much more. We owe all to you. Thank you, Lord. Praise you, Lord. In Jesus holy name I pray. Amen.